Auction Total

Amount raised so far: $22,411.79


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Welcome To Our Auction Site

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Please join us for our annual fundraising Auction and Dinner on April 6th,  2019 in support of our mission to provide a Christ centered education and develop students into serving leaders.  We encourage and challenge the students to put their faith into action and make a difference in the lives of others. We urge our students to look beyond themselves to the world around them.  We can affect global change.  

This annual fundraising event provides for needs the tuition does not meet.  Funds raised through the dinner, silent and live auctions will help us meet our goals of covering and upgrading the walkways  along with plans to enhance the curriculum and our dreams of a multi-purpose fine arts and athletic building as well as upgrades to our fields and seating. 

The doors open at 6:00 PM, we hope to see you there.  Mobile bidding will be available for Silent Auction items.  If you are unable to attend, on-line donations are w

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

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