Size: 32" tall x 8" wide
Technique: Paper-Mâché Sculpture by Kim Guthrie / Ceramic bowl by Alex Macias
About the Artist
Kim Guthrie seeks to delight people with her humorous, “tongue in cheek” approach she uses in creating her art. The demanding work of varied subjects and mediums molded the gifted artist that she is today. Over the past decade, Kim has turned her focus to primarily creating whimsical oil paintings, portraits, and 3D Paper Mâché characters. Kim has quickly gained a reputation for her versatility, talent, and warm wit.
This piece is titled "Bee Berry Happy". We need to help others eat and we need to do that by protecting our pollinators!
Artist Contact Information
Kim Guthrie Art Gallery/Studio
115 W. Virginia Street
McKinney TX 75069
Instagram Username: kimguthrieart